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Combined 31+ years professional experience in the industrial rubber and plastic field. 

Because we supply parts to the military with strict packaging and military specification standards, we can confidently supply your product to the highest standard. 

Mission Statement

It is Bourbon Seals commitment to provide a seamless customer experience by providing defect free products in a timely manner. Our policy is to exceed all customer expectations by supplying the correct product consistently. Our culture is to assure satisfaction to gain long term relationships with every customer. Bourbon Seals is frequently audited by professional parties to ensure the highest level of industry standard and specification. 

Capability Statement coming soon.

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Bourbon Seals is dedicated to providing exceptional service. We are eager to meet solutions based on your seal needs. Our professionals work hard to understand your need, take orders, and ship them to you efficiently. To make it simple for you, we accept card as well as regular purchase orders.

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed!

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